Chapter 2—Functional Descriptions
2-36 Model 330. 340SC, and 370SC Service Manual
A form of the vertical frequency parabolic waveform that is derived from the red ramp is
also sent out to the VPB as VPARAB for use in the dynamic focus circuit.
Horizontal Linearity Correction
The Horizontal Linearity Correction section provides correction for both horizontal
overall linearity, and horizontal edge linearity. The WIDTH signal from the HDB and the
/PCST signal from the RTG are combined to form a periodic ramp signal with horizontal
frequency. The ramp signal is used to form a parabolic signal, again with horizontal
frequency. This signal and a signal commanded by the operator, HLINCORR, combine to
form a variable polarity and amplitude parabolic signal with horizontal sweep frequency.
This signal is used for overall horizontal linearity correction. The parabola and ramp
signals are also combined with the HLINLR signal, imported from the HDB, to produce
an S-curve signal of variable polarity and amplitude, also with horizontal sweep
frequency, to be used for edge linearity correction.
The operator can control each of these correction functions from the remote control by
pressing the LIN key for overall linearity adjustment, or the EDGE key for edge linearity
adjustment. The left and right arrow keys are then used to make the adjustments. The S-
curve and parabola are then summed and sent to the Green, Blue, and Red X-correction
amplifiers where the corrections are applied to the correction coils. The parabolic signal
noted above, is also sent out to the VPB as HPARAB to be used in dynamic focus.
Top and Bottom Pincushion and Keystone Correction
A parabolic signal is borrowed from the horizontal linearity correction section for T/B
pincushion correction. It is combined with an operator command signal, TBPNCORR, to
produce a variable amplitude and polarity parabolic signal with horizontal sweep
A ramp signal, also from the horizontal linearity section, is used for T/B keystone
correction. It is combined with an operator command signal, TBKEYCOR, to produce a
variable amplitude and polarity parabolic signal with horizontal sweep frequency.
Both the T/B pincushion and keystone are controlled by the SCB sending signals over the
serial bus. The operator can control the T/B pincushion by pressing the PIN button on the
remote control. The up and down arrow keys are then used to vary the amount of
pincushion correction applied. Pressing the K
button on the remote control can control
the T/B keystone correction. The up and down arrow keys are then used to vary the
amount of keystone correction applied.
These two (2) signals are combined with the red ramp, having the frequency of the
vertical sweep, from the vertical pre-amp, to produce the top and bottom pincushion and
keystone correction waveform. This signal is then sent to the Green, Blue, and Red Y-
correction amplifiers. The operator can control the phase relationship of the T/B
pincushion, T/B keystone, and horizontal linearity, with respect to the picture.
To control these parameters, the operator selects PINCUSHION POSN from the TIMING
SETUP MENU under the MAIN MENU. The left and right arrow keys are then used to
vary the position of the corrections.