Chapter 1---Introduction
Model 330, 340SC and 370SC Service Manual 1-1
1.0 Introduction
This Model 330, 340SC and 370SC Service Manual combines three (3) similar
projector models into one (1) reference book, and should be used in conjunction
with the appropriate projector Operator’s Manual. This manual provides more
detailed information on troubleshooting and maintaining the projectors and a more
in-depth functional description of the system subassemblies than the specific
Operator’s Manual, which cover the specific projector system description,
installation, adjustments, operation, maintenance, specifications, troubleshooting
guide, and parts list.
The areas covered in this Service Manual include any similarities and differences
of functional descriptions of Model 330, 340SC and 370SC projector electronics,
service adjustments, maintenance (removal and replacement of subassemblies),
and troubleshooting.
1.1 Acronyms Used In Manual
ALPS Arc Lamp Power Supply
CH Channel
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
DSP Digital Signal Processor
EPROM Erasable Programmable
Read-Only Memory
F to V Frequency to Voltage
G2 CRT Grid 2
HDB Horizontal Deflection Board
HDTV High Definition Television
HSYNC Horizontal Sync
HVPS High Voltage Power Supply
Image Light Amplifier
I/O Input/Output
I/R Infrared
kHz Kilohertz
LED Light Emitting Diode
LVPS Low Voltage Power Supply
NTSC National Television Standards Committee
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PLL Phase Lock Loop
PLUGE Picture Line-Up Generating Equipment
RAM Random Access Memory
RGB Red, Green and Blue
ROM Read Only Memory