Your electric chain saw comes with an Operator’s
Manual containing general information on how to safely
operate your electric chain saw. It also provides specific
information on your particular model.
Read the Operator’s Manual very carefully before
operating the electric chain saw.
We work continually to improve our products, and
engineering changes and improvements are introduced
from time to time. Written notices describing these
changes are sent to our dealers. Make a point of asking
your dealer to show you the latest design.
Under no conditions should the electric chain saw be
modified from its original design without the approval of
the manufacturer. Nonauthorized accessories should
never be used. Nonauthorized modification and/or
accessories can lead to serious injury or death to the
operator or to others.
The noise produced by a
chain saw is loud enough
to cause permanent
hearing impairment after
long or continous periods
of exposure.
Always wear hearing
protection when operating
a chain saw.
Thrown Objects
When the motor is running at cutting speed, the saw
chain runs at approximately 30 - 35 mph (14 m/s).
It is capable of throwing objects such as chips and small
pieces of wood with considerable force, and can cause
injury, especially to the eyes.
Always wear safety goggles
or a face shield to minimize
the risk of injury from
thrown objects
Personal Equipment
Your condition
Never operate an electric chain saw when you are tired,
angry, emotionally upset or under the influence of
alcohol, drugs, medications or anyting which could
affect your vision, alertness, coordination or judgement.
Cutting wood can be strenuous - check with your doctor
before undertaking this kind of work.
Proper clothing and equipment (as shown) protect you
from potensial hazards such as lacerations, thrown
objects and hearing impairment.
Always wear:
• hearing protection
• goggles or face shield
• non-slip gloves
• safety pants or chaps
• boots with steel toecaps and non-skid soles
Never wear loose-fitting clothing, jewelery, etc., which
could catch on the saw and cause serious injury.
Wear protective hair covering to contain long hair.
Personal safety equipment will not prevent all
accidents, but it may minimize injury in the event of
accident. For your own protection, ask your dealer to
show you the latest safety equipment available, such
as a hard-hat with face shield end ear protectors, and
safety pants or chaps.