CSA Z62.3 Certified Cutting Equipment for Husqvarna Electric Chain Saws.
Cutting equipment for class 2A Electric Chain Saws.
Following is a list of evaluated combinations for use on the Husqvarna 316 Electric chain saw.
These combinations have been determined in accordance with CSA Z62.1-95 Chain Saws and
Z62.3-96 Chain Saw Kickback requirements.
Computed Kickback Angle (CKA) is the angle used as a measure of the reaction of a hand-held
chain saw when subjected, under simulated conditions, to a rotational kickback impulse.
The guide bar nose radius is determined either by the maximum number of teeth in the nose
sprocket or the corresponding maximum nose radius of a solid bar.
As we have listed the maximum guide bar nose radius, you may use a guide bar with a smaller nose
radius than the ones recommended in our list. For guide bars of the same length, all sprocket-nose
guide bars of the same pitch and having the same number of sprocket teeth may be considered to
have equivalent kickback energy.
A hard-nose bar having the same length and nose radius as a sprocket-nose bar may be considered
to have equivalent or less kickback energy than the sprocket-nose bar.
We recommend that you use the listed bars and chains as replacements.
CKA, W/O is the CKA without a chain brake.
CKA, W is the CKA with a chain brake.
Guide bar Saw chain
Length Pitch nose CKA CKA
inch inch radius Type W/O W
316 Electric 12 3/8 9T Oregon 91VG 17.2° -
14 3/8 9T Oregon 91VG 24.7° -
16 3/8 9T Oregon 91VG 25.4° -
Other chain and bar combinations may be available which also provide kickback protection.
Recommended cutting equipment
The combination of power head, bar and chain used together with this unit has been determined in
accordance with the kickback requirements specified in ANSI B 175.1 - 1991.
The guide bar nose radius is determined either by the maximum number of teeth in the nose
sprocket or by the corresponding maximum nose radius of a solid bar.
The following list specifies the chain saw manufacturer’s recommendations. Other combinations may
also provide the same kickback protection.
We have listed the maximum guide bar nose radius, but you may use a guide bar with smaller nose
radius than the one we recommend. For guide bars of the same length, all sprocket-nose guide bars
of the same pitch and having the same number of sprocket teeth may be considered to have equivalent
kickback energy. A hard-nose bar of the same length and nose radius as a sprocket-nose bar may be
considered to have equivalent or less kickback energy than the sprocket-nose bar.
Low kickback saw chain is chain which has met the kickback performance standards of
ANSI B 175.1 and the saftey requirements for gasoline-powered chainsaws when tested on the
representative sample of chain saws below 3.8 cu.in. specified in ANSI B 175.1 These are marked
with an asterisk * in the table below.We recommend that you use the listed bars and chains as
replacements or the low kickback chains available your dealer.
NOTE: The second digit in the Oregon part number indicates the thickness of the drive link.
You are free to choose between a 0.050" and 0.058" drive link for the corresponding bar.
OREGON 33 indicates 0.050"/1.3 mm
OREGON 34 indicates 0.058"/1.5 mm
Saw chain Length Pitch Max nose radius
inch inch
Oregon 91VG * 12, 14 and 16 3/8 9t
Cutting Equipment