The rack positionsnoted are generallyrecommendedforthe best browningresultsand
most efficient cooking times. For manyfood items, excellent results canbe achieved
whenusingoneof severaldifferentrackpositions. Referto bakingandroastingsections
for recommendationsfor specificfoods.
Different Racks
Twoflat racksand oneoffset rackwere packagedwith your oven. The useof the offset
rackis denoted in the list belowand the charts as an "o" after the rack number. Note
WW30430Owners; An additional offset rackand flat were packaged in your oven.
- 4 (flat rack)
--3o (offset rack)
1 (flat rack)
Rack Uses
Rack Position#40 (offset rack on #4):
Most broiling.
Rack Position#3:
Most baked goods on cookie sheets, cakes (sheetand layer).
Rack Position #30 (offset rack on #3):
Mostbaked goodson cookiesheets,frozenconveniencefoods, fresh fruitpie,cream
pie, layer cakes, main dish souffle.
Rack Position#2:
Roastingsmallcuts of meat, cakes (tube, bundt or layer),frozen fruit pie, pie shell,
large casseroles.
Rack Position#20 (offset rack on #2):
Roasting small cuts of meat, loaves of bread, angel food cake.
Rack Position#1:
Large cuts of meat and large poultry,angel food cake, 1cavesof bread, custardpie,
dessert souffle.
Multiple Rack Cooking:
Two racks,use #20 and #4. Three racks, use #1,#3e, and #4.