Whenthe ovencontrolsaresetto CLEAN,theovenheatsto temperaturesthat arehigher
than those used for cooking. The high temperaturescause food soil to burn off and
substantiallydisappear. While this occurs,a devicein the oven vent helpsto consume
normalamountsofsmoke. Theovenis ventedthroughanopeningunderthecontrolpanel.
Note WW27430Owners: Both ovenscannotbeself-cleanedat thesametime.
• Removethebroilerpanand anyother utensilsfromtheoven. Theseutensilscannot
withstandthe hightemperaturesof the cleaningprocess.
• Cleanspattersandspillsfrom thoseareaswhichwill notbe cleanedduringtheself-
- centergasket.frontof ovenanddoor nearopeningin door __"i __:_
- porcelainoven door liner (areaoutsidethe door _._
gasket), _ _ __;_
- oven frontframe. _' '_
Note: DO NOT CLEAN serial plate located on the _,.L_t j/
oven front. To clean these areas, use hotwater and
detergent,nonabrasivecleansersor soap filled steel
woolpads. Rinsethoroughly,beingcarefulnotto usean
excessiveamountof waterthatwoulddampenthedoorgasket. Soilleftintheseareas
willbemore difflbultto removeaftertheself-cleaningprocesssincethe highheatwill
bake on any soil that ispresent. DONOT USE COMMERCIALOVENCLEANERS
DOOR.The gasketisessentialfor agooddoorseal. Rubbingorcleaningwilldamage
the gasketand may affectthe seal.
• Wipe up excessgreaseandfood spiUoverswhich havenot bakedon the bottomof
the oven.Largeaccumulationsofsoilcancauseheavysmokeorfireintheovenduring
the cleaningprocess. For easeofcleaning,the heatingelementcan be liftedslightly.
• Althoughsmoke or fire in the oven is a normaloccurrenceand there is no safety
problem,therewill be ventingof excessivesmokeand odor.
• The ovenrackscan be cleaned inthe oven. However,the ovenrackswill discolor,
lose shininess,and become difficultto slidein and out if left in the oven duringthe
BEOBJECTIONABLE.Asasuggestion,donot leavetheracksinthe ovenduringthe
self-cleaningprocessiftheydonot needto becleanedsincetheywill discolortoa dull
silverafteronecleaning. Moderatelysoiledrackscan becleanedwithasoapyS.O.S.
pad or Scotch-Britescour pad. Stubborn stainsneed to be removedin the self-
cleaningprocess. Be sureto readspecialtips on page32 if ovenracks arecleaned
duringthe self-cleaningprocess.