What you can usually wash safely in your dishwasher.
And what you can't.
Material Safe Exceptions (not safe) Special Instructions
Aluminum Some coloredanodiz_ Somedarkeningorspottingpossible.Removeby
I , aluminumcan fade. scouring withsoap-filledsteel woolpads.
China/ I YES i Antique,metal-trimmed, If indoubt,checkwiththemanufacturer.Ortest wash
Stoneware hand-paintedor over-the-glaze onepiece dailyforat leasta month. Comparewiththe
patternsfade. restofthe set.
I I Goldleafwilt discolor.
Crystal YES ' Antique,metal-trimmedor Loadsecurelyto preventmovement.
hand-paintedpatternsfade. Checkmanufacturer'sinstructionsforyourcrystal.
, Goldleafwill discolor.
Non-dishware NO I I Do notwashin dishwasher.Damageto dishwasher
acres--such I [ [ anddiscolorationor stainingof dishwashermayresult.
asetearo_ ! I
air deaner I I
filters, furnace
_er_ pnlnt ,
brushes, etc.
Glass ! YES I Milk Glassmayyellow.
Iron NO Ironwill rust.
Pewter NO ; Pewtertarnishes.
If it doesn't sayDISHWASHERSAFE, testone piece
before dishwashingan entire set. Washin top rack only.
Stainless steel YES I Rinseifnot washingimmediately.Salty oracid foods
[ can stainifleft on.
Sterling Silver YES Don'tputinsamesilverware Rinseif not washingimmediately.Salty oracid foods
and Silver basketwithstainlesssteel, canstainifleft on. Drydetergentcancausedifficult-
plate I Contactbetweenmetalscan to-removeblack spots. Placein backsectionof silverware
damagesilver, baskettoavDidexposuretodetergentfromthedetergentcup.
thesameload. Silvermayget a
Adhesiveusedto attachsome
Non-stick YES Afterwashing,wipethe non-stickcoatingareawith
coatings vegetableoil to keepit fromlosing itsnon-stickquality.
Tin NO Tincan rust.
Wood NO Woodcanwarp,crackorlose
its finishwithanytype washing.
Forget a dish? Here's when However, opening the door during 2. Wait a few seconds until the
you can add it. any cycle lessens cleaning power, water calms. Then open the door.
Add dishes any time during the So try to load everything at the 3. Add dishes you've forgotten.
RINSE & HOLD cycle. With other beginning. 4. Close the door and push the
wash cycles, you can add dishes Here's how to add a forgotten dish: latch to the far right. When the
at any time BEFORE the main 1. Push the door latch to the left. door is locked, washing will
detergent wash portion of the cycle. Washing will stop. continue.