How to change color panels If you need service
If you are redecorating, you can Color insert panels for both door To obtain service, see your warranty
change your dishwasher's front and lower panel can be replaced by packed with your appliance.
panels to match or blend with your 1/4" thick wood inserts to match We're proud of our service and
new colors, your kitchen cabinets. Get them
want you to be pleased. If for some
The panels are held in place by the from your nearest cabinet or reason you are not happy with the
door trim and the trim on the panel lumber dealer, service you receive, here are two
below the door. Each side of each Dimensions for 1/4" wood inserts: steps to follow for further help.
panel is a different color. Or you Door Panel: 19_" H x 23_6" V,: FIRST, contact the people who
can paint a panel with the color of
your own choice. Lower Panel: 3_6 " H x 239/16"W. serviced your appliance. Explain
why you are not pleased. In most
Note: Do not operate dishwasher cases, this will solve the problem.
How to change door panel inserts: while changing panels or when
1. Takeout three trim screws on lower access panel is removed. NEXT, if you are still not pleased,
either side of the dishwasher door. write all the details--including your
Remove the side trim. _ J.[!J_ " phone number--to:
2. Slide out both insert panels. _!:._ Consumer Relations Department
Maycor Appliance Parts and
3. Put the color you want in front.
(Careful--edges may be sharp.) Service Company
240 Edwards Street S.E.
4. Replace insert panels, side trim Cleveland, TN 37311
and screws. _ When writing about an unsolved
How to change lower panel inserts: _ service problem, please include the
1. Remove four panel attachment _ following information:
screws. (Two above the panel, two (a) Your name, address, and
below the panel.) Change color in minutes. Just telephone number;
2. Remove the entire panel, remove trim and change. (b) Model number, series number,
3. Take out three screws and remove and serial number (found on a
label inside the door) of your
top trim. appliance;
4. Slide out both insert panels
together. (c) Name and address of your
dealer and date the appliance
5. Put the color you want in front, was bought;
6. Replace insert panels, top trim (d) A clear description of the
and screws, problem you are having;
7. Replace entire panel and four (e) Water hardness, detergent brand
attachment screws, and amount, water temperature,
and cycle used.