Removing SmartLinc as an INSTEON Controller
1. Log onto http://smartlinc.smarthome.com and click
the button of the room in which the responder you
want to remove is located.
2. Click the scene in which the responder is located.
3. Next to Scene Devices, click Remove. The Add/
Remove Status box will display “Waiting...”
4. Press and hold the responder device’s Set button
change and display “Done.”
5. Conrmthatthelinkwasremovedbyclickingthe
On and Off buttons next to Test Scene.
If you no longer want SmartLinc to control an INSTEON device, remove the link between the devices.
Adding SmartLinc as an INSTEON Controller
1. Log onto http://smartlinc.smarthome.com and click
the button of the room in which the responder you
want to control is located. (If the room is not listed,
see Adding/Naming Rooms in SmartLinc.)
2. Click the scene in which you want to add the
responder. (If the scene is not listed, see Adding/
Naming Scenes in SmartLinc.)
3. Next to Scene Devices, click Add. The Add/
Remove Status box will display “Waiting...”
4. Press and hold the responder device’s Set button
change and display “Done.”
5. Test link by clicking the On and Off buttons next to
Test Scene.
Use the web interface to wirelessly link SmartLinc as a controller of other INSTEON devices.