89 74-2958—1
DaTemp nvoData2
siDischargeTempS7 Degrees F
30 to 122
Degrees C
(-1 to 50)
SI_INVALID X siDischargeTempS7: siDischargeTempS7 is the discharge air temperature
used by the control process and is read from the local sensor via
nvoIO.siDischargeTempS7. If the sensor has failed or is not configured,
siDischargeTempS7 is SI_INVALID.
DaSetpt nvoData2
siDischargeSetPtS7 Degrees F
30 to 122
Degrees C
(-1 to 50)
SI_INVALID X siDischargeSetPtS7: siDischargeSetPtS7 is the calculated desired
discharge air temperature when cascade control is being used.
RaTemp nvoData2
siReturnTempS7 Degrees F
30 to 122
Degrees C
(-1 to 50)
SI_INVALID X siReturnTempS7: siReturnTempS7 is the return air temperature used by the
control process read from the local sensor via nvoIO.siReturnTempS7. If
the sensor has failed or is not configured, siReturnTempS7 is SI_INVALID.
RaHum nvoData2
ubReturnHumidityS1 Percentage
10 to 90
UB_INVALID X ubReturnHumidityS1: ubReturnHumidityS1 is the return air humidity used
by the control process and is read from the local sensor via
nvoIO.ReturnHumidity. If the sensor has failed or is not configured
ubReturnHumidityS1 is UB_INVALID.
RaEnth nvoData2
siReturnEnthalpyS7 mA
4 to 20
SI_INVALID X siReturnEnthalpyS7: siReturnEnthalpyS7 is the return air enthalpy used by
the control process and is read from the local sensor via
nvoIO.siReturnEnthalpyS7. If the sensor has failed or is not configured,
siReturnEnthalpyS7 is SI_INVALID.
OaTemp nvoData2
siOutdoorTempS7 Degrees F
-40 to 122
Degrees C
(-40 to 43)
SI_INVALID X siOutdoorTempS7: siOutdoorTempS7 is the outdoor air temperature used
by the control process and is read from another node via nviOdTemp or the
local sensor via nvoIO.siOutdoorTempS7. If the network input is not
SI_INVALID, then the network input has priority. If both the network input
and the local sensor have failed or are not configured, siOutdoorTempS7 is
OaHum nvoData2
ubOutdoorHumidityS1 Percentage
10 to 90
UB_INVALID X ubOutdoorHumidityS1: ubOutdoorHumidityS1 is the outdoor air humidity
used by the control process and is read from another node via nviOdHum
or the local sensor via nvoIO.OutdoorHumidity. If the network is not
SI_INVALID, then the network input has priority. If both the network input
and the local sensor have failed or are not configured,
ubOutdoorHumidityS1 is UB_INVALID.
OaEnth nvoData2
siOutdoorEnthalpyS7 mA
4 to 20
SI_INVALID X siOutdoorEnthalpyS7: siOutdoorEnthalpyS7 is the outdoor air enthalpy
used by the control process and is read from another node via
nviOdEnthS7 or the local sensor via nvoIO.siOutdoorEnthalpyS7. If the
network input is not SI_INVALID, then the network input has priority. If both
the network input and the local sensor have failed or are not configured,
siOutdoorEnthalpyS7 is SI_INVALID.
FilterPress nvoData2
siFilterPressureS10 inw (kPa)
0 to 5 (0 to 1.25)
SI_INVALID X siFilterPressureS10: siFilterPressureS10 is air pressure across the air filter
used by the control process and is read from the local sensor via
nvoIO.siFilterPressureS10. If the local sensor has failed or is not
configured, siFilterPressureS10 is SI_INVALID.
CO2Sens nvoCtlDataG2 siSpaceCo2S0 PPM
150 to 2000
SI_INVALID X siSpaceCo2S0: siSpaceCo2S0 is the indoor air CO
content used by the
control process and read the local sensor via nvoIO.siSpaceCo2S0. If the
local sensor has failed or is not configured, siSpaceCo2S0 is SI_INVALID.
Table 23. Status Points. (Continued)
User Address NvName Field Name
Engineering Units: English
(Metric) or States plus Range
Digital State or
Value of State
E-Vision (M, P, S)
Direct Access
Hardware Config.
Manual Config.
E-Vision Legend: (M) Monitor, (P) Parameter, (S) Schematic