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ContactTechnical Assistance (page 11-1) for software update options if this tab is not present on your Thor VM1.
This tab provides options to turn the Thor VM1 off when certain conditions are met.
AutoOff is disabled by default.
To enable Auto-off:
1. Set AutoOff to Enabled.
2. Set the AutoOff timeout to the desired value.
3. Select the desired Auto-off events. See the sections below for details.
4. Set the Suspend timer to Never on the Schemes tab of the Power (page 5-84) control panel.
When the Auto-off feature is enabled, a warning message appears in the lower right corner of the screen when the
Thor VM1 is 30 seconds away from shutdown and counts the time until shutdown so the user can take action such
as reconnecting truck power or altering the Auto-off parameters to prevent shutdown.
AutoOff Timeout
Select the timeout period. The function of the timeout period varies depending on the options selected.
• If the shutdown when idle option selected, the timeout period begins when the Thor VM1 entersUser Idle /
Backlight Off Mode (D1) (page 3-4) or System Idle / Display Off Mode (D2) (page 3-4). The timeout period is
reset after User Primary Events (page 3-5) or System Primary Events (page 3-5).
• If the shutdown when truck power lost option is selected, the timeout period begins when the UPS battery
indicates it is no longer receiving external power. The timeout period is reset if vehicle power is reconnected
and does not restart until vehicle power is disconnected again.
• If both shutdown when idle and shutdown if truck power is lost are selected, separate timers track the inactivity
period and the period of time since truck power was removed. If the conditions noted above are met for either
timeout period the respective timeout period is reset.
When Auto-off is enabled, the Suspend timer must be set to Never on the Schemes tab of the Power control
panel. If the Suspend timer is enabled, the Auto-off feature CANNOT shut down the Thor VM1.
To prevent data loss, the user should save any work in process when this message occurs. Depending on
the system configuration and the condition triggering the shutdown, the user may not be able to prevent the