Motion Detector activates Chime at night as well as during the day…
• Theambientleveloflightatthemotiondetectormaybetoohighforthecurrentdusksetting
permanently simulating day-time. At dusk, adjust the dusk control slightly clockwise. Move
around the detection area to see if the movement still activates the Chime. If necessary
continue to adjust the dusk setting until movement does not activate the Chime. In extreme
cases it may be necessary to reposition the detector.
• Themotiondetectormaybeilluminatedbyalightatnightpreventingtheambientlightlevel
falling low enough for the current dusk setting. Try adjusting the dusk setting or shielding the
detector from the light. In extreme case it may be necessary to reposition the detector.
Motion Detector does not activate Switching Receiver and lights at all…
• Checkthatthebatteryinthedetectorisnotexhausted.
• CheckthatthepowertotheReceiverisswitchedON.
• Checkthebulbandreplaceifdefective.Ensurethatthelightbulbiscorrectlyfitted.
• TurnOFFthepowertotheunitandcheckthewiringconnectionsasperthewiringdiagram.
Ensure all connections are correct and terminals are tight. Check the connections at the
switch, detector and Light.
• Checkthatthefuseorcircuitbreakersupplyingthelightingcircuithasnotblownortripped.