PRO-2200 Enclosure PRO22ENC1 & PRO22ENC2 15Installation Guide
6. Click Next. Change the Server to match the name of the LOCAL PC. The database
should be selected as WIN-PAK PRO from that Server. (The destination database).
7. Click Next. Select Transfer objects and data between SQL Server 7.0 database.
8. Click Next. Uncheck the Create destination objects box.
9. Click Next. Check the Create DTS package for replication box. Also check the Save
DTS Package box. Leave the radial button set for SQL Server. This menu saves the
replication using a DTS package which will be run when the user wants to keep the
database current with the MAIN PC.
10. Click Next. Change the name or accept the default for the local package being
created. Leave the Server name as LOCAL. Select either NT Authentication or SQL
Server Authentication, whichever matches your requirements.
11. Click Next. Select finish and DO NOT ABORT THIS PROCESS. This DTS process
will import all the data from the MAIN PC to the Redundant PC. When the transfer is
successful, click OK.
12. If a Publication Wizard opens select Cancel. Use the SQL Server Manual to utilize
this feature later, however it is not required for this setup. Click Done and minimize
Enterprise Manager.
Pre-Redundancy Verification:
1. Stop all the services on the MAIN PC.
2. Start services on the Redundant PC and launch the User Interface. Log in as ADMIN.
3. Verify that the data is consistent with the MAIN PC.
4. Verify communication with the hardware by using the Alarm View, Control Map or
5. Next, close the user interface and stop the services on the Redundant PC.
DTS Package Verification
1. Maximize Enterprise Manager and locate the Data Transformation Services Folder.
Expand the folder and the click on Local Packages.
2. Find the Local Package that was created earlier. Double-click on the package to open
up the DTS menu. Select Package on the menu bar and then Execute.
3. The DTS package will run until it is done transferring the data from the MAIN PC to
the REDUNDANT one.
4. Follow steps 1-5 in the Pre-Redundancy Section on page 14.
Interim Steps Before Full Redundancy Verification
1. Shut down the Redundant PC.
2. Restart all the service on the MAIN PC. Launch the User Interface and verify that
communications have resumed.