CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO.: 060-4199-180 REV: G SHEET 9 of 68
MK V & MK VII EGPWC (left) and MK VI, MK VIII, MK XXII EGPWC (right)
Figure 1-1 - Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning Computers
The following documents are identified as additional EGPWS references:
MK V and MK VII:
965-0976-603 .........Product Specification for the EGPWS (MK V and MK VII)
060-4404-000………Product Description for Runway Awareness and Advisory System (RAAS) prior to -230-230
060-4564-000………Product Description, Flight Safety Functions of the EGPWS
993-0976-401 .........Interface Control Document for the Mark V EGPWS
993-1076-401 .........Interface Control Document for the Mark VII EGPWS
060-4199-125 .........Installation Design Guide for the MK V EGPWS
060-4199-225 .........Installation Design Guide for the MK VII EGPWS
060-4241-000 .........MK V and MK VII EGPWS Pilot Guide
060-4267-000 .........EGPWS Terrain Database Airport Coverage List (MK V and MK VII)
060-4353-000 .........EGPWS Terrain Database Obstacle Coverage Chart
965-1176-601 .........Product Specification for the MK VI and MK VIII EGPWS (original model)
965-1180-601 .........Product Specification for the MK VI and MK VIII EGPWS (with improved CPU)
965-1590-601 .........Product Specification for the MK XXII EGPWS (original model)
965-1595-601 .........Product Specification for the MK XXII EGPWS (with improved CPU)
993-1176-401 .........Interface Control Document for the Mark VI/VIII/XXII EGPWS (original model)
993-1180-401 .........Interface Control Document for the Mark VI/VIII/XXII EGPWS (with improved CPU)
060-4314-125 .........Installation Design Guide for the MK VI/VIII EGPWS (original model)
060-4314-150………Installation Design Guide for the MK VI/VIII EGPWS (with improved CPU)
060-4314-225 .........Installation Design Guide for the MK XXII EGPWS (original model)
060-4314-250………Installation Design Guide for the MK XXII EGPWS (with improved CPU)
060-4314-000 .........MK VI and MK VIII EGPWS Pilot Guide
060-4314-200 .........MK XXII EGPWS Pilot Guide
060-4326-000 .........EGPWS Terrain Database Airport Coverage List (MK VI and MK VIII)