CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO.: 060-4199-180 REV: G SHEET 54 of 68
Programming the EGPWS Configuration Module is accomplished using WinVIEWS on a PC connected to the
EGPWC via the RS-232 interface. Prior to this activity, the necessary and desired configuration should be
determined based on the MK VI, MK VIII, or MK XXII Installation Design Guide referenced in Section 1.3. Utilize a
copy of Appendix E, Table 5.2 in the IDG for recording the associated installation Category ID information.
For programming the Configuration Module, the following procedure is used:
1. Verify EGPWC interface to P2 connector (including Configuration Module) and RS-232 interface to PC.
2. Power EGPWC and PC and start WinVIEWS.
3. With WinVIEWS active in the Terminal Mode, Configuration sub-mode commands are available for the
programming purpose. Type “CFG” at the prompt. At this point, the CFG > prompt is displayed and the
program and EGPWC are ready for entering the program command and data string. “HELP” or “?” will display a
list of the commands and their description. “CUW” is the necessary command for entering the identified ID’s for
each category.
4. Using the Category ID’s chosen from the ICD (refer to completed Table 5.2), create a command string with the
following structure:
CUW 0/15 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #/
• CUW<space>0 is the command and version number. CUW writes the category ID’s defined by version 0
definition (0 is the only version currently available) to the Configuration Module via the EGPWC without a
CRC (checksum) value attached (this is generated by the EGPWC when the data is transmitted).
• /15 indicates the beginning of the data string (/) with 15 being the total number of categories to follow.
• <space><Cat 1 ID#><space><Cat 2 ID#>…<Cat 15 ID#>/ - each Cat ID # is the chosen ID for the
associated category with the first being category 1 and the last being category 15 in order. The following
slash indicates the end of the data.
Note: If 15 ID’s don’t follow “/15”, the error message “Invalid Parameter. Not enough category ID’s.
Configuration update failed, please try again” will be given. The value entered for each category must
be an available ID for the associated category or a similar error message will be given. If the number of
categories provided is less than 15 (e.g., “/8 # …#/” with eight ID’s defined), then the remaining
categories (9 through 15) will be set to 0.
5. After completing the data string as defined above, pressing ENTER results in a question; “Confirm this data
reflects configuration to be programmed (Y/N)”. Pressing the Y key sends the data to the EGPWC to write to
the Configuration Module. Following the writing of the Configuration Module the EGPWC is automatically
rebooted in order for the configuration to take affect.
Note: If when the ENTER key is pressed the question response is not given (cursor just moves to the next
line), pressing any character key should provide the proper response.
Pressing the N key results in the message “Command aborted – No configuration module change has been
made”. If necessary, revise the data to correct or change as necessary and continue as above. The backspace
key can be used to make corrections.
6. Following the successful writing to the Configuration Module (no messages) and EGPWC reboot, pressing
Control Z (Ctrl Z) restarts the WinVIEWS terminal mode communication.
7. There are a couple ways to now confirm the Configuration Module programming with the following being the
preferred. As above, type “CFG” to restart the Configuration sub-mode. At the CFG > prompt, type “CMR”
<ENTER>. Each Category and its associated ID is read from the Configuration Module and listed on the
display. Alternately, when not in the Configuration sub-mode, the command “PS” (Present Status) will display
EGPWC and configuration data.
8. Configuration Module programming is complete.