LYNXR-I Installation and Setup Guide
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Troubleshooting Guide
Trouble Conditions
The word “FAULT” on the keypad’s display, accompanied by a rapid “beeping” at the keypad, indicates that
there is a trouble condition in the system. Pressing any key can silence the audible warning sound. Instruct
users to call for service immediately upon seeing any of the following messages.
System Trouble Displays
Display Meaning
and one or more zone numbers indicates that a problem exists with the displayed
zone(s) and requires attention. After correcting the problem, the display can be cleared by
entering the security code plus the OFF key twice.
The fault condition may also be caused by some change in the environment that prevents
the built-in receiver from receiving signals from a particular wireless sensor.
Indicates one of the following:
• control panel lost communication with the communications module
• communications module tamper detected (cover removed)
• primary communications path failure
• radio is not registered; account not activated
• primary power loss
• secondary communications path failure
• battery charger failure
• low battery
with no zone number indicates that the system’s backup battery is weak.
with a zone number and a once-per-45 seconds “beeping” at the keypad indicates that a
low battery condition exists in the wireless sensor displayed (zone “00” indicates a wireless
button/keypad). If the battery is not replaced within 30 days, a “FAULT” display may occur.
Backup LRR/GSM/IP module communication failure (displayed on RF Keypad only)
appears if an exit or interior zone contained a fault during closing at the time the Exit
Delay ended (e.g., exit door left open), but the system was disarmed during the Entry Delay
time. The alarm sounder and keypad sound continuously, but stop when the system is
disarmed. No message will be transmitted to the central station.
Modem Comm.:
system is communicating with the central station for change of function or status
displayed upon power-up. After approximately 1 minute* the green “READY” LED should
light. If the “dI” remains displayed for more than 1 minute, the system is disabled.
*To bypass the 1-minute delay, press [#] + [0].
Important: Do not try to bypass 1minute delay before “dI” is displayed!
appears when Exit Delay ends if an exit or interior zone contained a fault during closing.
The alarm sounder and keypad sound continuously until the system is disarmed (or
timeout occurs). An “Exit Alarm” message is sent to the central station. Also results if an
alarm from an exit or interior zone occurs within 2 minutes after the end of an Exit Delay.
communication failure has occurred. This message clears only when the system is
subsequently armed.
system has detected an RF jamming condition or excessive interference.
No display
Power Failure
If there is no keypad display at all, and the LED indicators are not lit, operating power for
the system has stopped and the system is inoperative.
If the display is lit and the AC display is off, the system is operating on battery power only.
During an AC power loss, the backlighting will turn off and the indicators will flicker
slightly to minimize deep discharge of the battery.