
LYNXR-I Installation and Setup Guide
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Data Field Descriptions
To ensure that the LYNXR-I properly transmits its reports to the Central Station via the proper channel you must program a
Primary Phone Number in Field *41 and/or activate/deactivate the LRR/IP Communications Module in Field *55.
The 15-Second Dialer Delay (Burglary), programmed in Field in *50 is independent of the delay selected in Field *77 and
applies to both telephone and communications device.
Two report channels are used by the LYNXR-I to support the LRR/IP communications device and dynamic signaling. For
the primary channel the device can communicate via LRR, Cellular GSM, or Internet (IP). Secondary phone is not
affected by dynamic signaling scheme. Two programming options are used to define dynamic signaling behavior. Field
*55 is used to enable/disable the LRR/IP communications device and allows it to supervise the communications module.
The two-digit option programmed in Field *77 defines how dynamic signaling will function. The Dynamic signaling
options are shown below:
Reporting Option
Device (Field *55)
Dynamic Signaling Delay/Dynamic Signaling
(Field *77)
Primary Phone only
Report is sent to Primary phone with No Dynamic Signaling
0 = Disable 1st Entry
Enter Any Digit
2nd Entry
Enter “0”
LRR/IP Communications Device only
Report sent to communications device with No Delay
1 = Enable 1st Entry
* = enter any non zero digit as a first entry
2nd Entry
2 = LRR/IP reporting only
Redundant reports to both channels
Report independently goes to the Primary phone and LRR/IP
communications device with No Delay
1 = Enable 1st Entry
0 = Redundant reporting on dialer and comm. device
2nd Entry
* = enter any number as a second entry
Primary Phone is the preferred channel
First report is sent to the primary phone. If primary phone fails to
deliver report within the delay window defined in *77 all following
reports go to both primary phone and communications device
with no delay. When report goes through the primary phone,
LYNXR-I stops reporting to communications device.
Note: The delay must be set to at least 30 seconds if Remote
Phone Control and/or AAV is enabled.
1 = Enable 1st Entry
* = enter a delay for the first entry
2nd Entry
0 = Primary Dialer is the preferred channel
LRR/IP Communications Device is the preferred channel
First report is sent to the communications device. If device fails to
deliver report within to deliver report within the time window
defined in *77 all following reports go to both LRR/IP device and
primary phone with no delay. When report goes through the
LRR/IP device LYNXR-I stops reporting to primary phone.
1 = Enable 1st Entry
* = Enter any delay for the first entry
2nd Entry
1 = LRR/IP is the preferred channel
Note: If the LRR/IP communications device is selected as the preferred channel option and the LYNXR-I detects a communication failure or
supervision failure, reports will be sent to the Primary Phone without any delay.
Dynamic Signaling Delay/ Dynamic
Signaling Priority
1st Entry (delay before switching Central Station
reporting path)
0 = Redundant reporting
on dialer and LRR/IP
7 = 105 seconds
8 = 120 seconds
9 = 135 seconds
#10 = 150 seconds
1 = 15 seconds #11 = 165 seconds
2 = 30 seconds #12 = 180 seconds
3 = 45 seconds #13 = 195 seconds
4 = 60 seconds #14 = 210 seconds
5 = 75 seconds #15 = 225 seconds
6 = 90 seconds
2nd Entry
0 = Primary Dialer Preferred Channel
1 = LRR/IP Preferred Channel
2 = LRR/IP reporting only
Intended for use with LRR/IP communication device reporting.
This field’s 1st Entry allows you select the time the panel will
wait for acknowledgment from the first reporting destination
(preferred channel) before it attempts to send a message to the
second destination. This delay is per message. The 2nd entry
allows you to select the preferred reporting channel.
Notes: (1) You must also enable/disable LRR/IP Device in field *55.
(2) If Remote Phone Access is enabled, and Primary Phone is
used as a Preferred Channel, Dynamic Signaling Delay
should be at least 30 sec in order to prevent duplicate
(3) For UL installations Dynamic Signaling Delay cannot exceed
15 sec. If Primary Phone is used as a Preferred Channel,
duplicate reports may sent.
1st Entry
Enables Dynamic Signaling Delay. The entry of digits 1-9 or #10-
#15 will control the time-out period the panel will wait for an
acknowledgment from the first reporting destination. Delays can
be selected from 0 to 225 seconds, in 15-second increments. If 0
is entered, the control panel will send redundant reports to both
Primary Dialer and the LRR/IP communications device.
2nd Entry
The second entry determines the Dynamic Signaling Priority.
The alternate Central Station communication path will be
initiated After the time-out period.