UltraKey Lite Controller Installation and User Guide
Document 800-07422 Rev A 35
1. If not already done, install and connect the controller to a power source.
2. From the home screen, press
Alt > Clr to enter the System Configuration: System
Set menu.
3. Enter the PIN password 3434.
The System Set: Mode screen displays.
4. Press the LCD right arrow key to enter the Mode Selection menu.
5. Scroll to and select VideoBloX. Press Ent.
Step 3: Configure Address, Baud Rate or IP for VideoBloX Mode
1. Press Alt > Clr. If prompted, enter the password 3434 to enter the System Set top
2. Press the LCD down arrow to scroll to the System Set:
Config menu.
3. Press the right arrow key to enter the Configuration menus.
4. Press the LCD up/down arrow keys to scroll through the options (restore default, VB
settings, maxpro settings, network, language, back light, slider update, hardware test,
5. Scroll to the Configuration: VB Settings menu, then press
6. Press the LCD right arrow key to scroll to enter the VB
Settings menu.
7. Press the right arrow key to scroll through the Set Up menu
to the Control Mode submenu. The current setting is
displayed (Serial Port or Ethernet).
8. Press the up/down arrow keys to scroll to Serial Port then press Ent.
9. Press the LCD right arrow key to scroll to Set Up: Address.
10. Use the LCD up/down arrow keys to scroll to an address between 1 and 32 to assign
to the controller. You can also use the numeric keypad to enter a number between 1
and 32. However, if you enter a number greater than 32, the message Invalid ID
displays on the LCD.
11. Press Ent.
12. Press the LCD right arrow key to scroll to Set Up: Baud Rate.
13. Press the LCD up/down arrow keys to select a baud rate. 1200 bps, 9600, 19.2 KB
(default for VideoBloX) or 57.6 KB bps are available for VideoBloX.
14. Press Ent.
15. If you are using the TCP/IP to connect to a VideoBloX
NetCPU, then press the LCD right arrow key to scroll to Set
Up: IP Address. Press Ent.