About this Document and the UltraKey Lite
Finding More Information
Refer to the online literature library to access other electronic documents in PDF format
including data sheets, quick references, installation and user guides, specifications,
software and product notices: http://www.honeywellvideo.com. Also see the back cover
for international web sites and contact details.
Typographical Conventions
This document uses these typographical conventions:
Font What it represents Example
Use of an arrow
between items >
Use of an arrow between keys or tabs indicates
the order to select a menu item from the LCD or
a web browser. You may be using keys on the
controller or a mouse to click and select a tab on
a web browser
1. On the controller, press
Alt > Clr to enter
the System Configuration: System Set
The System Set: Mode screen displays.
Lucida Values of editable fields that are mentioned in
the body text of the document for reference
purposes, but do not need to be entered as part
of a procedure.
The Time from field can be set to
Text strings displayed on the screen.
The message Unauthorized displays.
(object) entered
Swiss721 BT Bold Words or characters that are part of the task
process and identify a field and an action that
must be typed.
Enter the password 1234.
Menu titles and other items you select. Double-click Open from the File menu.
Buttons you click on a web browser to perform
Pressing a key on the keyboard.
Click Exit to close the program.
Press and hold Logon.
Courier Text that displays on the LCD screen The LCD menu IPAddr Changed displays.
Italic Placeholders: words that vary depending on the
user name
Cross-reference to external source. Refer to the System Administrator Guide.
Cross-reference within document. See Chapter 2, Installation.