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const PTCHARptcFirmwareFilename,
PDWORD DpdwTransferPercent,
HWND hTransferNotifyHwnd
Parameter Description
ptcFirmwareFilename String containing the fully qualified filename of the file that contains the code to be sent to the
imager. The file extension is usually .bin or .axf. The file is sent using an Hmodem, which is a
derivative of Xmodem 1K.
pdwTransferPercent Pointer to a DWORD that contains the current percent transferred value(0 to 100). If
pdwTransferPercent is valid, the transfer completion percent is written to it. This is updated after
each packet is sent.
hTransferNotifyHwnd Handle to the window that is to receive the transfer update messages. The message is sent
when the percentage changes by more than 1%. The window associated with the handle should
hook the WM_HHP_PROGRESS_HWND_MSG message.
After file transfer is complete and while the imager is storing the new code in flash, the message
WM_HHP_IMAGER_FLASHING is sent to the window HWND (if valid). The parameters are:
WPARAM - Bytes transferred so far
LPARAM - Bytes to be sent
The window should also hook the WM_HHP_IMAGER_FLASHING message. The parameters
sent are:
1st Call wParam=1 lParam=0 ransfer is done and flashing has begun
Subsequent wParam=x lParam=1 Where x toggles between 0 and 1 every ½ second
Final Call wParam=0 lParam=0 Flashing is complete
Writes the configuration items for one or all of the configuration structures found in the main 5X00 Series configuration structure
HHP_CONFIG. Individual items can be specified by adding the appropriate mask bit by ORing it with the dwMask member of
the structure. Only items whose bits are set are written; all other items are ignored.
ConfigItems_t item,
PVOID pStruct