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SDK Structure Types
A full description of the SDK structure types can be found in Enumerated Types and Definitions beginning on page 3-1.
Note: Important: Make sure to set the structure members dwStructSize and dwMask.
Individual Symbology Structures
All symbologies, except OCR, use either SymFlagsOnly_t or SymFlagsRange_t for configuration. There is a define for each
symbology (except OCR) that points to one of these two structures.
SymFlagsOnly_t Structure for symbologies that don’t have minimum and maximum data lengths.
SymFlagsRange_t Structure for symbologies that have minimum and maximum data lengths.
SymCodeOCR_t or OCR_T Structure to configure OCR symbology.
Configuration Structures
Configures whether the beeper sounds on power up, decode, or command processing.
This is ignored if the imager does not have a beeper.
HHP_CONFIG Super structure whose members are all the other configuration structures.
HHP_DECODE_MSG Returns decoded, code page and locale-translated data output from the SDK.
HHP_DECODER_CONFIG Configures decoding behavior other than symbology setup.
Structure used by the hhpReadEngineInfo (page 2-8) call that returns information about
the image engine. (5X80 engines with PSOC only.)
Returns image data from the SDK. It also specifies the format in which the image data is
Specifies how images are captured by the imager. This includes gain, exposure, frame
rates, and illumination.
Specifies how images are shipped from the imager to the SDK. This includes image
processing items such as cropping, subsampling, histogram stretching, and transfer
Retrieves the fixed characteristics of the imager: full image size, capture bits per pixel, and
maximum text/barcode message size (sent from imager). Structure in which
hhpReadImagerCapabilities returns requested capabilities information.
Specifies the location and size of the image returned as part of an intelligent image
capture. The location information is specified in minimum bar widths of the barcode
portion of the intelligent image.
HHP_POWER_SETTINGS Configures the power management options of the imager.
HHP_RAW_DECODE_MSG Returns raw (8 bit ASCII) decoded data output from the SDK.
HHP_SERIAL_PORT_CONFIG Specifies serial port configuration for serial imagers.
HHP_SEQUENCE Specifies how the sequence acquisition mode is configured.
HHP_SYM_CONFIG Contains a list of all the structures for all the symbologies.
Returns non-decoded data output from the SDK. The data is translated by code page and
HHP_TRIGGER Configures the trigger mode of the imager.
HHP_VERSION_INFO Queries imager and SDK software revisions.