80 301C User Manual M-510324
Honeywell 7/10
System Programming
Wireless Network Menu
The following table provides the list of parameters displayed for the
coordinator (wireless communication module). Use the up or down
keypad arrows to navigate the entire list.
# Title Value Description
1. 7B177A7EFACE0049 Coordinator MAC address
2. WC Version A10 Wireless coordinator firmware version
3. PAN ID FF07 The hexadecimal ID number assigned
to the coordinator
4. RF channel 11 Radio frequency channel
5. Log Mode No
Displays whether debug mode is
6. Association Ina Defines whether new nodes can join the
7. Nodes 0 Displays the number of nodes
associated to the wireless coordinator.
8. Max nodes 0 Defines the maximum nodes that can
reside in the network (1-60)
9. Max hops 0 Defines the maximum number of hops a
node can make on a communication
route to the wireless coordinator
10. Power 0 Sets the transmission power amplifier
11. AHFO 0 Defines the time between wake-up
12. BO 0 Sets the time between transmission of
two consecutive beacons by a node to
establish and maintain synchronization
13. SUO 0 Defines the status update period; time
between 2 consecutive status update
packets sent from node to coordinator
14. LCO 18 Packet sent from the coordinator to the
node, confirming to the node that it is
registered on the network at the
15. LTO 0 The number of status update packets
that can be missed before a “leave
indication” is triggered