
76 301C User Manual M-510324
Honeywell 7/10
Bacnet Menu
The Foreign Device Registration (FDR) allows users to enable the FDR
and to set a specific Time To Live (in seconds).
A Foreign Device is a BACNet device that has an IP subnet address
different from those on the BACNet/IP network it seeks to join.
The TTL (Time-To-Live) parameter is the registration duration supplied
to the BBMD at the time of registration. Devices must re-register within
this specified interval to remain connected.
The BBMD Info screen lets users specify the address for the BBMD to
which the device will try to connect (or register).
For more information on this subject, please consult the ASHRAE
standard number 135-2001, Annex J, section J5.
9. BACNet
Enable FDR
TTL: 43200 sec
9. BACNet
-BBMD Info-
IP: 192.168. 1.100
Port: 0xBAC0