Section 2: Understanding Your Device
74 2B: Using Your Phone
To reject an incoming call, tap Ignore. (If you reject the call, the busy
tone will be sent out or the call will go to voicemail.)
To silence the ringer and stop vibration, press E. Press E
again to reject the call.
Note: If the phone is off, incoming calls go to voicemail.
About Caller ID:
If a call is received from a number stored in the Pocket Outlook
list, the name and number will be displayed. For callers not found in the
Contact list, only numbers will be shown.
Calling Emergency Numbers
You can place calls to 911 (dial 9 1 1 and tap T ).
Note: If an emergency number is stored in Speed Dial, you will be able to
dial it by tapping a single key. However, speed dial will not work if Key
Guard is enabled.
Making a Call From the Internal Phone Book
Phone numbers entered in Contacts can be used to quickly locate phone
numbers and make calls.
1. In the contact list, tap and hold the contact.
2. On the pop-up menu, tap Call and the type of phone number
displayed, such as
Work tel.
Another way to make calls:
1. In the contact list, tap the contact.
2. Tap Tools and Call and the type of phone number displayed, such as
Work tel.
Tip: For details about Contacts, see page 112.