Section 2: Understanding Your Device
42 2A: Your PCS Phone – The Basics
Environment Switch
Use the Environment switch to change the volume and type of
ringer tones.
You can set the mode simply by putting the switch in the top, middle, or
bottom positions, providing a quick and easy way to select modes suited
to various places and situations.
The mode names for the three switch positions are Silent All (top),
Environment (middle), and Normal (bottom).
Slide the switch up or down to switch modes. Silent All or names of the
Environment modes appear on the Today Screen (See “Today Screen”
on page 47).
You can select Meeting, Outdoor, Office, and Private within the
Environment mode. See “Changing the Environment Mode and
Volume and Ring Type/Tone Settings for Individual Modes” on
page 82.
When in the Environment mode, the ringer tone volume and type
selected under “Environment” (page 82) will be used.
If the volume or ring type setting is changed when in the Environment
mode, the new setting is valid until another mode is selected.
When in the Silent All mode, “Off” is always selected for the volume.
This is true no matter if the volume is changed through “Sound &
Notification” under “Settings” (page 96), or if the ringer type/tone is
changed though “Phone” under “Settings” (page 80).
Environment Switch
Silent All (top)
Environment (middle)
Normal (bottom)