Manage a network product
Embedded Web server
The embedded Web server allows you to view product and network status and to manage printing
functions from your computer. Use the embedded Web server for the following tasks:
View product status information
Determine the remaining life on all supplies and order new ones
View and change the size and type of paper loaded in each tray
View and change the product default configuration settings
View and change network configuration
You do not need to install any software on the computer. Use one of these supported Web browsers:
Internet Explorer 6.0 (and later)
Netscape Navigator 7.0 (and later)
Firefox 1.0 (and later)
Mozilla 1.6 (and later)
Opera 7.0 (and later)
Safari 1.2 (and later)
Konqueror 3.2 (and later)
The embedded Web server works when the product is connected to a TCP/IP-based network. The
embedded Web server does not support IPX-based connections or direct USB connections.
NOTE: You do not have to have Internet access to open and use the embedded Web server. However,
if you click a link on any of the pages, you must have Internet access in order to go to the site associated
with the link.
Open the embedded Web server
To open the embedded Web server, type the IP address or hostname of the product in the address field
of a supported Web browser.
TIP: After you open the URL, bookmark it so that you can return to it quickly in the future.
The embedded Web server has three tabs that contain settings and information about the product: the
Status tab, the Settings tab, and the Networking tab.
Status tab
This tab provides information about product and supplies status, product and network configuration, and
supplies reordering.
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