
Network configuration
You might need to configure certain network parameters on the product. You can configure these
parameters from the control panel, the embedded Web server, or for most networks, from the HP Web
Jetadmin software.
Supported network protocols
The product supports the TCP/IP network protocol. It is the most widely used and accepted networking
protocol. Many networking services utilize this protocol. This product also supports IPv4 and IPv6. The
following tables list the networking services/protocols that are supported on the product.
Table 5-1 Printing
Service name Description
port9100 (Direct Mode) The default TCP/IP printing port on the HP Jetdirect print
server, accessed by software such as HP Standard Port
Line printer daemon (LPD) LPD provides line printer spooling services for TCP/IP
systems. Use LPD services on the HP Jetdirect print server.
WS Print Use the Microsoft Web Services for Devices (WSD) Print
services supported on the HP Jetdirect print server.
Table 5-2 Network product discovery
Service name Description
SLP (Service Location Protocol) Device Discovery Protocol, used to help find and configure
network devices. Used primarily by Microsoft-based software
mDNS (multicast Domain Name Service - also known as
“Rendezvous” or “Bonjour”)
Device Discovery Protocol, used to help find and configure
network devices. Used primarily by Apple Macintosh-based
software programs.
WS Discovery Allows Microsoft WS discovery protocols on the print server.
LLMNR (TCP/IP v6) Indicates whether link local multicast name resolution
(LLMNR) requests are responded to over IPv6.
NetBIOS over TCP/IP Provides communication among applications on separate
computers within a local area network. Because the
programming interface runs through TCP/IP (NBT), each
computer in the network has both a NetBIOS name and an IP
address relevant to a host name (even though the two names
might not be the same).
DNS Client DNS domain name that the HP Jetdirect print server resides in
(for example, support.hp.com).
Table 5-3 Messaging and management
Service name Description
HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) Allows Web browsers to communicate with embedded Web
EWS (embedded Web server) Allows a user to manage the product through a Web browser.
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