I’ll sing you my favorite song, “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” in a mixture of
Furbish® and English.
“Do you want to play?”
Say “Hey FURBY!” [Pause until you hear FURBY say “Doo?” “Yeah?”
“Huh?” “What?” or “Hmm?”] Then say, “Do you want to
“Let’s play Red Light, Green Light! You come when me say ‘Green Light!’
You stop when me say ‘Red Light!’ You tickle me when me eyes are closed,
you win! You tickle me when me eyes are open, me win! You tickle me too
hard, me win! You go away – ten steps! One, two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, ten!”
The object of the game is to tickle my tummy when my eyes are closed! If
you tickle me while my eyes are open, I win! Be careful, because I like to
trick you! Make sure my eyes are really closed before you tickle me!
NOTE: Press my tummy to skip the instructions and start the game right
away. Once I start counting, if you need me to start over press my tummy.
[tee-wee-lah] [dee] [dah-ay-loh] = Twinkle, twinkle little star,
[doo] [kah] [way-nah] [oo-nye] [boh] = How me wonder what you are?
[oo-tye] [kah] [lay-lah] [oo-tah] = Up above me home so high,
[tay] [ay-koo] [ay-loh-may-lah] = Like a diamond in the sky,
[tee-wee-lah] [dee] [dah-ay-loh] = Twinkle, twinkle little star,
[doo] [kah] [way-nah] [oo-nye] [boh] = How me wonder what you are?
Let’s sing it together, shall we?