
About My Personality
I speak Furbish®, a magical language common to all FURBY
creatures. When we first meet, this is what I’ll be speaking. To help
you understand what I’m saying, please use the Furbish® - English
dictionary found in the back of this book. I can learn how to speak
English by listening to you talk. The more you play with me, the more
I will use your language.
If FURBY Asks you a Question
If FURBY asks you a question, say either:
Yes [ee-tay]
Ok [oh-kay]
Yes, please [ee-tay-doo-moh]
No [boo]
No, thank you [boo-doo-moh]
No way [dah-boo]
I don’t understand*
* If you couldn’t understand what I said,
I’ll repeat what I last said to you. I may
say it a little bit differently, with more
English, so that you can understand it
better. If you tell me “I don’t understand”
too many times, I’ll get sad and frustrated.
Sometimes it’s best to be polite and
pretend you understand – at least until I
learn more of your language!