
Product Configurator
8 312759R
Code M Part Applicator Mounting
N LC0294 None, Customer Mount Controls and
1 LC0292 Mast Mount, Controls & MD2 Applica-
tor Machine Mounted
2 LC0293 Mast Mount, Controls Only
3 256439 Tank Stand Mount, Controls & MD2
Applicator Machine Mounted
4 256438 Tank Stand Mount, Controls Only
Code N Part Power Cord Option
1 121055 120VAC North American Cord Set
2 121054 10A, 250V US Cord Set
3 121056 10A, 250V Continental europe
4 121057 10A, 250V U.K./Ireland
5 121058 10A, 250V Israel
6 124864 10A, 250V Australia
7 124861 10A, 250V Italy
8 124863 10A, 250V Switzerland
9 124862 10A, 250V Denmark
A 121060 10A, 250V India
B N/A Heat Controller Option
Code O Part Flow Monitoring
N LC0041 None
1 257433 Pressure Transducer
2 LC0302 Two 0.5 gpm Flow Meters, No Pres-
sure Transducers
3 LC0305 Two 1.0 gpm Flow Meters, No Pres-
sure Transducers
4 LC0303 One 1.0 gpm Flow Meter, One
0.5 gpm Flow Meter, No Pressure
5 LC0307 Two 2.0 gpm Flow Meters, No Pres-
sure Transducers
6 LC0306 One 2.0 gpm Flow Meter, One
1.0 gpm Flow Meter, No Pressure
7 LC0304 One 2.0 gpm Flow Meter, One 0.5 gpm
Flow Meter, No Pressure Transducers
A LC0312 Two 0.5 gpm Flow Meters, With Pres-
sure Transducers
B LC0315 Two 1.0 gpm Flow Meters, With Pres-
sure Transducers
C LC0313 One 1.0 gpm Flow Meter, One
0.5 gpm Flow Meter, With Pressure
D LC0317 Two 2.0 gpm Flow Meters, With Pres-
sure Transducers
E LC0316 One 2.0 gpm Flow Meter, One
1.0 gpm Flow Meter, With Pressure
F LC0314 One 2.0 gpm Flow Meter, One 0.5 gpm
Flow Meter, With Pressure Transduc-
Code P Part High Volume Side Tank
1 256896 No Tanks, 1 1/2 in. npt flange
2 255241 8 L, Twin Polyethylene Tanks and Lids
3 255250 8 L, Twin Polyethylene Tanks and Lids,
One 120V Agitator
4 255251 8 L, Twin Polyethylene Tanks and Lids,
Two 120V Agitators
5 255281 8 L, Twin Polyethylene Tanks and Lids,
with Shut-Off Valves
6 255282 8 L, Twin Polyethylene Tanks and Lids,
One 120V Agitator, with Shut-Off
7 255283 8 L, Twin Polyethylene Tanks and Lids,
Two 120V Agitators, with Shut-Off
8 LC0235 7.5 L, Stainless Steel, High Level Sen-
9 LC0236 7.5 L, Stainless Steel, High Level Sen-
sors, with Shut-Off Valve
A LC0013 3 L, Stainless Steel
B LC0012 7.5 L, Stainless Steel
C 255285 3 L, Stainless Steel, with Shut-Off
D LC0156 8 L, Twin Polyethylene Tanks and Lids,
One Pneumatic Agitator
E LC0157 8 L, Twin Polyethylene Tanks and Lids,
Two Pneumatic Agitator
F 255284 7.5 L, Stainless Steel, with Shut-Off
G LC0254 7.5 L, Stainless Steel, 240V Heat
H LC0255 7.5 L, Stainless Steel, 240V Heat,
with Shut-Off Valve
J LC0054 30 L, Stainless Steel
K LC0158 8 L, Twin Polyethylene Tanks and Lids,
One Pneumatic Agitator, with Shut-Off
L LC0259 30 L, Stainless Steel, 240V Heat
M LC0055 60 L, Stainless Steel
P LC0159 8 L, Twin Polyethylene Tanks and Lids,
Two Pneumatic Agitators, with
Shut-Off Valves
R LC0260 60 L, Stainless Steel, 240V Heat
S LC0126 8 L, Twin Polyethylene Tanks and Lids,
One 240V Agitator
T LC0127 8 L, Twin Polyethylene Tanks and Lids,
Two 240V Agitators
U LC0128 8 L, Twin Polyethylene Tanks and Lids,
One 240V Agitator, with Shut-Off
V LC0238 7.5 L, Stainless Steel, High Level Sen-
sors, 240V Heat, with Shut-Off Valve