
50 312759R
Fault-Output Status Line
The Fault-Output status line (“FAULT-OUTPUT” in FIG.
32, Connector #1, Pin #5) indicates whether there is an
active error. Active errors typically stop system opera-
tion. After using the display module to acknowledge the
error, normal operation will be allowed.
The output of the Fault-Output status line is a “high”
+24 VDC signal when an active error exists. The output
is a “low” +15 VDC signal when there is not an active
error. See F
IG. 34 on page 52 for a sample timing dia-
Dispense Request Line
The Dispense Request line (“Shot Request” in FIG. 32,
Connector #1, Pin #1) is used to request a shot. The
Dispense Request line operates the same as the
machine foot switch and the Start/Stop Shot
button ( ). When not in Operator mode and with a
“high” Ready-Output signal, generate a short active Dis-
pense Request signal to request a shot to begin. During
dispensing, generate a short active signal in the Dis-
pense Request line to abort the shot.
To generate an active Dispense Request signal, the
external control will need to ground the Dispense
Request line to the Return line (Connector #1, Pin #3)
for 0.175 seconds to create a “low” signal. Remove the
line from the Return line to end the active signal. See
IG. 34 on page 52 for a sample timing diagram.
If the active signal is generated when the system is in
programming mode or generating an error code, the
shot request will be ignored.
If the active signal is sent during execution of a pause
when in Auto-Sequencing, the machine will abort the
pause timer and begin dispensing the next shot in the
If the active signal is sent during execution of a shot in a
sequence, the machine will abort the shot and will incre-
ment to the next shot in the sequence after the pistons
fully retract. If the sequence is in auto-sequencing, the
sequence pause timer will then begin.
If Operator (Manual) mode is selected, the machine will
dispense while the active signal is sent. When the active
signal stops, the machine will stop dispensing. If the pis-
ton Auto-Retract option is enabled on the System
Options screen, the piston will retract when the machine
stops dispensing. See F
IG. 17 on page 30. If the Piston
Auto-Retract is disabled, the machine will stop dispens-
ing and stall the pumps against the dispense valve. If
the pump is more than 80% into the metering tube, it will
automatically retract regardless of whether Piston
Aut-Retract is enabled.
Interrupt - Cancel Line
The Interrupt - Cancel line (“INTERRUPT - CAN - REQ -
IG. 32, Connector #1, Pin #4) is used to
abort a shot or reset a sequence. If an active signal is
sent during a sequence, any active dispensing will be
aborted and the sequence position will be reset to the
first non-zero shot in the sequence.
To generate an active Interrupt - Cancel signal, the
external control will need to ground the Interrupt - Can-
cel line to the Return line (Connector #1, Pin #3) for
0.175 seconds to create a “low” signal. Remove the line
from the Return line to end the active signal.
For system software versions 1.06.007 or later, if the
Interrupt - Cancel line is held “low” the machine will be
disabled and will not dispense.