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pmvhase date is _eeded to obtai_ service "u_Merwarra_ty.
For one year flom date of origimd
purchase, we will provide, flee of charge,
parts and service labor in your home
to repair or replace any part _J't/_e
mic_zvave oveTt that filils because of
a mamd_lcturing detect.
For the second through the tenth year
from tile date of original purchase, we
will provide, flee of charge, a replacement
mag_u, tron tur% if the magnetron tube
fidls because of a manufilcturing detect.
\_m pay %r the service trip to your home
and service labor charges.
This warranty is extended to tile origimd
purchaser and any succeeding owner tot
products purchased fin ordina W home use
in tile 48 mainland states, Hawaii and
Washington, D.C. In Alaska tile warran b,
is tile same except that it is I,IMITED
because you must pay to ship the product
to tile service shop or tot the service
mchnician's travel costs to your home.
All warrant) service will be provided by
our Factory Service Centers or by our
authorized Customer (_are°_>servicers
during normal working hours.
Should your appliance need service,
during warranty period or beyond, call
800.GE.CAP, ES (800.432.2737).
Warrantor is ,rot responsible for consequential damages.
• Service trips to your home to teach you
how to use the product.
• Improper installation, delivery or
If you have an installation problem, contact
your dealer or installer. You are responsible
for providing adequate electrical,
exhausting and other connecting facilities.
• Replacement of house fuses or resetting
of circuit breakers.
• Replacement of the cooktop light bulbs.
• Failure of the product if it is misused, or
ttsed for other than the intended purpose
or used commercially.
• Damage to product caused by accident,
fire, floods or acts of God.
• Incidental or consequential damage
caused by possible defects with this
• Damage caused after delivery.
Some states do not allow fl_e exclusion or limitation of incidental or Consequential damages
so t!_e above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific
legal rig!_ts, and you may a!s0 l_ave 0tl!er rights which vary fi0 m state to state, To kno_\ what
),our legal rights are in ),our state, consult ),our local or state consumer affairs office or your
state's Att0rney General,
Warrantor: General Electrie Company. Louisville, KY40225
DE68-62382B Printed in Malaysia