Microwave 7 rms
Arcing is the microwme term for sparks in the oxen. Arcing is
caused Ix}:
_ iI
• the metal shelf being installed incorrectly and touching the
microwa_ e walls.
• metal or t_)il touching the side of the o_en.
• t_)il that is not molded to food (upturned edges act like
_ll'l te 1"11"1_ls),
• metal such as twist ties, poultry pins, gold-rimmed dishes.
• recycled paper towels containing small metal pieces.
Co_ers hold in moisture, allow for more e_en heating and reduce
cooking time. \._nting plastic wrap or co_ering with wax paper
,,llowsex, ess ste,,m to es,,q_e.
In a regular o_en, )ou shield chicken breasts or baked foods to
pre_ent o_et_t)rowning. _Then microwa_ing, }ou use small strips of
t))il to shield thin parts, such as the tips of wings and legs on
poultr}, which would cook before larger parts.
Standing Time _'hen }ou cook with regular oxens, foods such as roasts or cakes are
allowed to stand to finish cooking or to set. Standing time is
especiall} important in microwaxe cooking. Note that a microwaxed
cake is not placed on a cooling rack.
Venting After coxering a dish with plastic wrap, )ou xent the plastic wrap 1))
turning back one corner so excess ste_lll/ C_lll escape.