Questions & Answers
Q. If my food is not completely reheated after
Q. What if I don’t fully cover the dish in Auto
using Auto Reheat, what should I do?
A. Use Time Cook in 30-second increments.
A. Oven senses steam too quickly, which shortens
the reheating time and leaves food too cool. To
complete reheating use the TIME COOK pad.
The Auto Cook feature may be used to eliminate your
Because most cooking containers must be covered
need to look up cooking time in a cookbook or guess
during Auto Cook, this feature is best with foods that
how long to set cooking time. By actually sensing
you want to steam or retain moisture.
the steam that escapes as food microwaves, this
feature automatically adjusts the oven’s cooking
NOTE: Use of the metal Double Duty
time to various types and amounts of food.
with Auto Cook is NOT recommended.
Foods Recommended
Foods Not Recommended
A wide variety of foods including meats, fish, Foods that must be cooked uncovered, foods that
casseroles, vegetables, leftovers and convenience
require constant attention, foods that require addition
foods can be Auto Cooked.
of ingredients during cooking, and foods calling for a
dry look or crisp surface after cooking should not be
Auto Cooked. It is best to Time Cook them.
Foods that microwave best using the temperature
probe should be
Cooked or Auto Roasted.
Easy to Use Keep Door Closed
Simply touch three control pads—AUTO COOK, Do not open the oven door while the word “AUTO”
desired code, and START. The word “AUTO” is displayed— steam escaping from the oven can
appears on the display and the sensor is activated affect cooking performance. If the door is opened,
to sense steam from food.
close the door and touch START immediately.
Auto Cook Codes
Auto Cook codes 1 through 8
are designed to give you easy
automatic results with a number
of foods.
Code 1, designed for reheating
foods quickly, turns the oven off
automatically as soon as the sensor
detects steam from the foods.
When codes 2 through 8 are
selected, the oven determines how
much additional cooking time is
needed after steam has been sensed,
automatically switches to TIME
COOK and signals. The word
“AUTO” on the display is then
replaced by countdown numbers
indicating remaining cooking time.
When the signal is heard, the oven
door may be opened for stirring,
turning or rotating food.
A guide behind the oven door lists
cooking codes for frequently
prepared fresh or uncooked foods
and appropriate codes are
recommended in the Automatic
Cooking Control Guide section.
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