Manual Fusion Intelpage IP
© CommtechWireless Page 19
From the Main Menu, select [5] to enter the pocsag setup screen.
• Speed - The speed of transmission. This value must match that of the pagers receiving
the messages. (default 512)
• Default Tone - The tone type that the pager will emit when the message is received.
(default A)
• Type - The type of message to send. Tone only, Numeric or Alpha. This should match
the type of the pager. (default Numeric)
NOTE: If the SCOPE protocol is chosen, speed, tone and type are specified
along with the message and will override the POCSAG settings values.
• PTT / Data / Busy Invert - If checked, these invert the respective signal. This may
need to be done if third party transmitters are used. (Maxon transmitter must have
PTT invert ticked)
• Ignore Busy - If checked, send the message regardless of whether or not the channel
is busy. (default OFF)