Manual Fusion Intelpage IP
© CommtechWireless Page 17
From the Main Menu, select [4] to enter the protocol and rs232 setup screen.
• Ethernet Protocol Use - The protocol that the Ethernet port (RJ45) will use. The
options available are COMP1, COMP2, SCOPE, TAP, TNPP Duplex, TNPP Simplex,
Terminal, Tekk and SMTP. All the protocols will use TCP port 6000 (this port is
adjustable within the HTML interface) with the exception of SMTP which uses port
• Serial Port Protocol Use - The protocol that the RS232 port will use. Options are the
same as TCP only that SMTP is not available. (default TAP)
NOTE: The password in the TAP protocol is ignored.
NOTE: Pager 0 must be configured for COMP1.
NOTE: The TNPP device address is 1234. TNPP received address is ignored.
ALL messages are accepted.
Æ IMPORTANT: If you are sending to a combination of numeric, alpha and
tone pagers, you will need to use TNPP or SCOPE.
• Max Message Count - This refers to the maximum number of messages that can be
sent by a protocol in a single session/connection. A value of ‘0’ means no maximum
limit. (default 0)
• Lookup PagerID - If checked, the system will look up Pager ID’s in the pager
database. Otherwise the system will use the cap code supplied in the message.
• Never Disconnect - If checked, the Intelpage IP 5 will never disconnect itself. It will
only disconnect when the system Intelpage IP 5 is connected to does. (default OFF)
• TAP Disable ID= Every 2 Seconds- If left unchecked and the TAP protocol is being
used, a carriage return resulting in an “ID=” will be issued every 2 seconds. (default
• Baud - The transmission speed of the RS232 port on the Intelpage IP 5. (default
• Data bits - The number of bits that actually contain information pertaining to the
message rather than to the transmission (e.g. stop bits). (default 8)
• Parity - A method of verifying the accuracy of the data sent. In this case it is either
none (not used), odd or even. (default NONE)
• Stop bits - The number of bits sent at the end of each byte and is used for
synchronization purposes. In this case it is either 1 or 2. (default 1)
• Flow Control - This refers to the “flow control” property of the connection.
Æ IMPORTANT: Baud, data bits, parity and stop bits must all match that of the
system’s port that the Intelpage IP 5 is connected to on the other end.
• Enter License Key - Some of the features on the INTELPage are licensable. This
means they can be enabled or disabled by applying for a new license key from you
place of purchase. By default, the HTML and Terminal interfaces are turned on but all
other options are disabled. The available license options are RS232 protocols,
Ethernet protocols, STMP protocol, TNPP protocol, WWW Manual Paging