
3.10.9 Measurement Displays
The Model 35040 Therapy Dosimeter can contain up to sixteen (16) measurement displays, which are
viewed from the Measurement Displays Form. With this form you may customize the appearance of any
of the measurement displays. All screens must show an Annunciators Status Line (see Section 3.9.13)
on the first line of the display. You may choose what appears on the other three lines. Figure 3-37 shows
the Measurement Displays Form.
Figure 3-37. The Measurement Displays Form (right click the mouse on an item in the Display Line
List to show the format of the Display Line)
The display lines are grouped according to their function. The four groups are [Configuration] [Amps,
Coulombs, Volts] [Dose, Rate] and [Time]. Table 3-4 provides a listing of all the display lines available
for each group, along with a representation of the display line’s appearance on a measurement display.
Right click mouse on the Title of a Display Line (in the Display Line List) to view the format or Appearance
of the Measurement Display. Refer to Figure 3-37.