Operators Manual
Figure 3-36. The Special Items Menu (Calibration Temperature has focus)
To modify the Power Down Interval or Optional Text, click on the desired text box and type in the new text
from the keyboard.
To select the Calibration Temperature, or different Temperature or Pressure Units, click on the DOWN
arrow key and select another item from the drop down list by clicking on it.
When a Special Item has been edited or changed,
its text box background color will change from
‘white’ to ‘yellow’. Permanent storage in the
Dosimeter’s memory is made only after depressing
the DOWNLOAD button.
When you complete your editing of the Special Items, you may select DOWNLOAD or CANCEL. If you
select CANCEL, all modifications are discarded and the original settings of the Special Items return. If
you select DOWNLOAD, the Special Items (if modified) are sent to the instrument where they are stored
and used.