
T440 Users manual V021/B, © JED Microprocessors Pty Ltd Nov 17th 2008 Page 18
Panasonic projectors (Codes $30 to $32, $34)
Good set of current model RS232 codes:
Code $30: (Group 1): No adr, OSH mute/PON unmute, abs audio, PT-L501/701, L502/702,
L511/711/712, PT-L735, PT-F200, PT-LB50/51/55/60, PT-LC55/56/75/76/80, PT-P1SDE and a lot more;
Code $31: (Group 2): No adr, OSH:1 mute/OSH:0 unmute, abs audio, PT-F100/F100NT/FW100NT,
PT-F200/F200NT, PT-LB75/LB75NT, PT-LB80/LB80NT; and
Code $32: (Group 3): No adr, OSH mute/PON unmute, NO audio, PT-AE900/AX100/AX200, PT-AE2000
Note: Panasonic have used toggle mode in the past for the “shutter” or mute function, which makes it hard to know the
current mute state for the two-yellow-button-mute-mode, and the MUTE key in the freeze/mute keyboard (code A). We
have determined that the use of the OSH command to turn ON the mute mode and the use of the PON (Power On) to
exit mute mode works OK on these (Groups 1 and 3 above). Panasonic have recently made it easier by introducing
absolute shutter control by adding OSH:1 (Shutter ON) and OSH:0 (Shutter OFF) commands which give proper control.
These recent ones are the Group 2 in this family.
Channel codes are:
Computer1 := 02 + 'IIS:RG1' + 03; // RGB 1 VGA analog-RGB
Computer2 := 02 + 'IIS:RG2' + 03; // RGB 2 VGA analog-RGB
Computer3 := 02 + 'IIS:HDM' + 03; // HDMI
Computer4 := 02 + 'IIS:HD1' + 03; // HDMI 1
Computer5 := 02 + 'IIS:NWP' + 03; // NETWORK
Video1 := 02 + 'IIS:VID' + 03; // Vid composite
Video2 := 02 + 'IIS:SVD' + 03; // S-Video
Video3 := 02 + 'IIS:YUV' + 03; // COMPONENT
Video4 := 02 + 'IIS:HDM' + 03; // HDMI
Video5 := 02 + 'IIS:HD1' + 03; // HDMI 1
Video6 := 02 + 'IIS:HD2' + 03; // HDMI 2
Video7 := 02 + 'IIS:NWP' + 03; // NETWORK
Code $34: (Group 4): Address mode, OSH:1 mute/OSH:0 un-mute, abs audio, (Address models:
PT-D3500, PT-D4000, PT-DW5000, PT-DW5100, PT-D5500, PT-D5600, PT-D5700, PT-DW7000,
PT-D7700, PT-D10000, PT-DW10000, PT-D12000, PT-DZ12000, PT-L785 (not PT-L6500/6600)
Channel codes are:
Computer1 := 02 + 'ADZZ;IIS:RG2' + 03; // DB15-VGA analog-RGB
Computer2 := 02 + 'ADZZ;IIS:RG1' + 03; // BNC (or DB15-VGA analog-RGB PT-L785)
Computer3 := 02 + 'ADZZ;IIS:RG3' + 03; // BNC analog-RGB (PT-L785) on some
Computer4 := 02 + 'ADZZ;IIS:DVI' + 03; // DVI-D
Computer5 := 02 + 'ADZZ;IIS:AUX' + 03; // AUXILARY
Video1 := 02 + 'ADZZ;IIS:VID' + 03; // Vid composite
Video2 := 02 + 'ADZZ;IIS:SVD' + 03; // S-Video
Video3 := 02 + 'ADZZ;IIS:DVI' + 03; // DVI-D
Video4 := 02 + 'ADZZ;IIS:AUX' + 03; // AUXILARY
Video5 := 02 + 'ADZZ;IIS:RG1' + 03; // RGB 1 BNC/DB15 (can be YCbCr component)
Any one of these codes can be set into Constant:0/Constant:1 for computer codes and Constant:2/Constant:3 for video
codes. (The default is to have Computer1 (above) as the “Computer” channel and Video1 as the “Video” channel.
Setting OPT1 switch ON will swap Video1 and Video2 channels, making S-Video the video default.)
Power on panel connection blink codes are provided, but OPT7 handshake mode is NOT;
Auto Pixel Align is NOT available;
Picture and sound mute is available with two-yellow-button mute mode with a “volume” keyboard;
Mute and freeze keyboard code A available;
Make sure to turn off “Auto input search” if your projector includes this;
Make sure to set the baud rate to 9600 and no parity if an adjustment menu is provided.