T440 Users manual V021/B, © JED Microprocessors Pty Ltd Nov 17th 2008 Page 10
Mitsubishi projector families: Codes 24 to 28 hex
In the back of some user manuals is a list of RS232 control messages.
Also, see master RS232 code list at: http://www.mitsubishi-presentations.com/customercare/projector_tools.html (There
are some confusions is this site, eg the DX300 link calls up the X300, so to get the XD300/350 sheet use the XD350.)
Volume range settings determine what codes family to select: Audio is done either with an “Absolute” command,
“00VL” followed by a decimal 2-digit number, eg “00VL21<CR>”, or an increment/decrement command “00r06
<CR>” and “00r07 <CR”.
For the absolute volume controlled projectors, there is a paragraph in the manual section or document called
“Controlling the projector using a personal computer” called “Volume Commands”. Look in there for the volume range,
eg 00 – 31 in the box after the VL command definition. Select a control code from the following table:
Volume range Code group on hex switches Volume range Code group on hex switches
00-21 $24 00-60 $26
00-31 $25 00-100 $27
Note: Recently we have found some Mit. Projectors have different audio control
ranges than the Mit. manual states. If you cannot get the full range, try a diff. code.
Some model types for code group 24 hex, 00-21 range:
EX10U, ES-EX100U, HC100, S/XD420U, S/XD430U, HC900/E, WD2000, WL639U, XD435U, XD400U, XD450U,
XD460U, XD470U, XD480U, XD490U, XD500, XD510U, XD520U, XD2000U, XL6U
Some model types for code group 25 hex, 00-31 range:
FL7000U, S/XL4U, XL5U, SL6U, XL8U, XL9U, S/XL25U, XL30U, X200E, S/XD200U, XD300U, XD350U, X390U,
X400U, SX490U, X500U, XL550U, XL650U, XL1550U, XL2550U, XL5900U, XL5950U, XL5980U/LU,
InFocus LP1200
Some model types for code group 26 hex, 00-60 range:
S/XL1U, S/XL2U, S/X50U, SA51U, X70/U, X80U
Some model types for code group 27 hex, 00-100 range:
SD105U, S/XD206U:
Some model types for code group 28 hex, no audio or inc/dec audio only range:
If there is no “Volume commands” paragraph (or no audio in the projector), use the incremental control driver selection,
code $28.
No audio: HC1100, HC1500, HC3000, HC3100, HC4900, HC5000, HD1000, HD4000
Inc/dec audio: X100E, S/X120E, S/X250U, S290U, X300U
Channel codes are:
Computer1 := '00_r1' + 0D; // RGB 1 VGA analog-RGB
Computer2 := '00_r2' + 0D; // RGB 2 VGA analog, sometimes DVI analog
Computer3 := '00_d1' + 0D; // DVI Analog 1
Computer4 := '00_d2' + 0D; // DVI Analog 2
Video1 := '00_v1' + 0D; // Vid composite 1 or S-Video 1
Video2 := '00_v2' + 0D; // Vid composite 2 or S-Video 2
Video3 := '00_c1' + 0D; // Component
Video4 := '00_d1' + 0D; // DVI or HDMI 1
Video5 := '00_d2' + 0D // DVI or HDMI 2
Any one of these codes can be set into Constant:0/Constant:1 for computer codes and Constant:2/Constant:3 for video
codes. (The default is to have Computer1 (above) as the “Computer” channel and Video1 as the “Video” channel.
Setting OPT1 switch ON will swap Video1 and Video2 channels.)
• OPT7 handshake mode and power on panel connection blink codes available;