Supported Monitor Displays
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Supported Monitor Displays
The projector displays images at a resolution of 1024 × 768
pixels. To display a higher resolution image, the projector
compresses it to 1024 × 768. The following table lists the
display formats supported by the projector:
Format Hor Pix
Ver Pix
H. Freq
V. Freq
PC98 PC98 640 400 24.8 56.42
PC/AT VGA60 640 480 31.5 59.94
DOS/V VESA72 ↑ 480 37.9 72.81
VESA75 ↑↑37.5 75.00
VESA85 ↑↑43.3 85.01
VGAEGA ↑ 350 31.5 70.00
SVGA56 800 600 35.2 56.25
SVGA60 ↑↑37.9 60.32
SVGA72 ↑↑48.1 72.19
SVGA75 ↑↑46.9 75.00
SVGA85 ↑↑53.7 85.06
XGA43i 1,024 768 35.5 43.48
XGA60 ↑↑48.4 60.00
XGA70 ↑↑56.5 70.07
XGA75 ↑↑60.0 75.03
XGA85 ↑↑68.7 85.00
SXGA70 1,152 864 63.9 70.01
SXGA75 ↑↑67.5 75.00
SXGA85 ↑↑77.1 85.00
SXGA60 1,280 960 60.0 60.00
SXGA75 ↑↑75.0 75.00
SXGA85 ↑↑85.9 85.00
SXGA43i 1,280 1,024 46.4 43.44
SXGA60 ↑↑64.0 60.02
SXGA75 ↑↑80.0 75.03
Mac MAC13" 640 480 35.0 66.67
MAC16" 832 624 49.7 74.60
MAC19" 1,024 768 60.2 74.93