Net Oil Computer Supplement 53
Operation Mode – NOC
Troubleshooting IndexSeries 3000 MenusNOC Operation
5.3.3 Resetting, saving, and managing Continuous mode time periods
Running average, minimum, maximum, and total values are calculated from the beginning of
Continuous mode measurement.
Note: Inventory values are calculated from the beginning of continuous mode measurement until reset
by digital communications (Modbus coil 4 or HART command 242).
You can reset the start time for these running calculations:
• To set a new start time for all process variables at once:
a. Select
Reset from the Well Performance Measurement screen shown in Figure 5-3.
b. Press the
RESET button on that screen, then press YES to confirm.
• To set a new start time for one process variable only:
a. Navigate to the process monitor screen where the process variable data is displayed.
b. Press the
RESET button on that screen.
Note: Not all process variables can be reset individually. If the Reset button is not displayed, the
system does not allow individual reset for that process variable.
At any time during Continuous mode measurement, you can save the current values of the summary
variables to an archive record. To do this, select
SAVE from the Well Performance Measurement
menu as shown in Figure 5-3. The archive record is then available for viewing or recalculation.
Up to three archive records can be stored. Archive records are identified by the save time timestamp.
Archive records also contain snapshots of actual values. The snapshots are written to memory every
15 minutes. These snapshot values are required for recalculation, but are not available for viewing.
Therefore, for meaningful recalculation, ensure that the Continuous mode time period is longer than
15 minutes so that the archive record will include snapshots.
Figure 5-4 illustrates the relationship between Save, Reset, snapshots, and archive records.
Figure 5-4 Continuous mode timeline and time periods
Archive Record 1
Timestamp M
Reset Beginning of Continuous mode measurement
Save Save
Archive Record 2
Timestamp N
Archive Record 3
Timestamp O
Save Save
Overwrites Archive Record 1
Timestamp P