Net Oil Computer Supplement 45
Operation Mode – NOC
Troubleshooting IndexSeries 3000 MenusNOC Operation
5.2.2 Viewing well test data
You can access well test data at several points in the menu.
Note: You can also read well test data via Modbus or report actual and average process variables by
assigning them to a milliamp or frequency output.
To access basic data for the current well test, press View from the On Test screen (see Figure 5-2).
The values listed in Table 5-2 are displayed.
To access more detailed data for either the current test or a stored test, use the View Production
Measurement screen. You can access this screen from either:
• The Well Performance Measurement screen (see Figure 5-1)
• The On Test screen (see Figure 5-2)
The View Production Measurement screen provides:
• Quick View data, as listed in Table 5-2
• Production data for several other process variables, as listed in Table 5-3
• TMR data, as listed in Table 5-4
Table 5-1 View data – Well Test mode
Process variable Definition
Actual net oil rate Current net oil flow rate. May or may not include oil carry-over, depending on TMR
Average net oil rate Average net oil flow rate, calculated from the beginning of the well test. May or may not
include oil carry-over, depending on TMR configuration.
Actual water cut Current water cut used in net oil calculations. May be either density-based or from the water
cut monitor, depending on water cut configuration.
Average water cut Average water cut value, calculated from the beginning of the well test.
Actual gross rate Current flow rate of the production fluid (all process fluid through the NOC sensor). May or
may not include TMR carry-over data, depending on TMR configuration. Does not include gas
Average gross rate Average flow rate of production fluid, calculated from the beginning of the well test. May or
may not include TMR carry-over data, depending on TMR configuration. Does not include gas
Actual density Current density of the production fluid
Actual temperature Current temperature of the production fluid
Actual pressure Current pressure from the external pressure device (if available)