Installing Web Tools
Web Tools
Web Tools software has been preinstalled at the factory.
Additional Software
If the following software is not already installed and configured on
your system, you will have to preform the following steps to prepare
Web Tools for use to manage your fabric:
◆ Installation of one of the supported web browsers on the
workstation, if not already installed.
◆ Configuration of the web browser for use with Web Tools.
◆ Installation of the required Java Plug-in on the workstation, if not
already installed.
Installing a Web
If not already installed, install one of the following browsers:
◆ Netscape Communicator 4.51 or later (available at
◆ Internet Explorer 4.01 or later (available at
Configuring the Web
Specific browser settings are required for the correct operation of Web
Tools with either Netscape Communicator or Internet Explorer.
Configuring Netscape Communicator
Step 1 The web browser cache must be cleared after the installation of Fabric
OS version 2.3. Some browsers use local cache copies of jar files
and/or image files to improve performance (depending on the
options selected in browser), which can cause incorrect display in
Web Tools.
To remove cached files from Netscape Communicator:
1. Select Edit, Preferences.
2. Select Advanced in the left text box to expand it, then click
3. On the Cache panel, select Clear Memory Cache.
4. Click Clear Disk Cache.