Departmental Switch Models DS-16B and DS-8B Web Tools User Guide
F_Port Fabric Port. A port that can transmit using fabric protocol and can
interface over links. Can be used to connect N_Ports to a switch. See
also FL_Port, Fx_Port.
Fabric A fibre channel network of two or more switches. Also called a
“switched fabric.” See also SAN, Cascade.
Fabric name Unique 64-bit identifier assigned to each separate fabric.
Communicated during login and port discovery.
Fabric OS
Proprietary operating system on DS-16B and DS-8B switches.
Fabric Watch
DS-16B and DS-8B product that allows monitoring and configuration
of fabric and switch elements.
FC-AL-3 The Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop standard. Defined on top of
FC-PH standards.
FC-FLA The Fibre Channel Fabric Loop Attach standard.
FCP Fibre Channel Protocol. Mapping of protocols onto fibre channel
standard protocols. For example, SCSI FCP maps SCSI-3 onto fibre
FC-PH-1, 2, 3 The Fibre Channel Physical and Signaling Interface standards.
FC-PI The Fibre Channel Physical Interface standard.
FC-PLDA The Fibre Channel Private Loop Direct Attach standard. Applies to
operation of peripheral devices on private loops.
FC-SW-2 The Fibre Channel Switch Fabric standard, second generation.
Specifies tools and algorithms for interconnection and initialization of
fibre channel switches.
Fibre channel
Protocol service that supports communication between fibre channel
service providers. See also FSP.
Fill word A word transmitted to keep a fibre active. Either an idle or ARB
ordered set.