DGS-3100 Series Gigabit Stackable Managed Switch User Manual
Configuring Stacking
The Stacking Settings Page allows network managers to execute force master and to change each and every unit its own unit
ID. To complete the changing process the user need to reboot the unit.
1. Click Configuration > Stacking Settings. The Stacking Settings Page opens:
Figure 2-4 Stacking Settings Page
Stacking Settings Page contains the following fields:
Field Description
Defines the stacking member with either stacking ID of 1 or 2 as the Stacking Master. The
possible field values are:
Unit 1 — Defines the member with the Unit ID 1 as the Stacking Master if unit ID 2 will
be selected unit ID 1 will be reboot and ID 2 will become stack master.
Stacking Master
Unit 2 — Defines the member with the Unit ID 2 as the Stacking Master if unit ID 1 will
be selected unit ID 2 will be reboot and ID 1 will become stack master.
Current Stack ID
Displays the Stacking Member ID that the new Unit ID will replace after the device is rboot.
New Stack ID after
Defines the unit ID assigned to the Stacking Member after the device rboot.
2. Select the Stacking Master in the Stacking Master field.
3. Select a Unit ID in the New Stack ID after reboot field.
4. Click
. If force master was selected then current master will be rebooted. If unit ID was change then
the changes will be applied and occurd after the reboot.