DGS-3100 Series Gigabit Stackable Managed Switch User Manual
Notes about ACLs capacity in the DGS-3100 Series
• The user can create up to 15 Access Profiles.
• The user can configure up to 240 Access IDs, each Access ID is unique i.e. the same Access ID can’t be created
from two different Access Profiles.
• The maximum capacity of DGS-3100 series is 240 rules.
• The rules count will be done according to the following guidelines:
• The user should accumulate the rules of every unique set of rules (a unique set of rules is the same set of rules
which is bound to one or more than one ports).
• The outcome of the above is that Access ID will be counted as a rule ‘n’ times where ‘n’ is the number of different
settings of rules on different ports.
• Examples for capacity calculations:
• Example #1:
– Assume that Access IDs 1, 2, 3, 4 are bound to ports: 1-30, this is a unique set of rules and the count of rules in
this case is 4.
– Assume that Access IDs 5, 6 are bound to ports: 31-40, this is another unique set of rules and the count of
additional rules will be 2.
– Totally in the system we will use 6 rules out of the available 240!
• Example #2:
– Assume that Access IDs 1, 2, 3, 4 are bound to ports: 1-10, this is a unique set of rules and the count of rules in
this case is 4.
– Assume that Access IDs 4, 5, 6 are bound to ports: 11-20, this is another unique set of rules and the count of
additional rules will be 3.
– In addition, Access IDs 5, 6 are bound to ports: 21-30, this is another unique set of rules and the count of
additional rules will be 2.
– Totally in the system there are: 4 + 3 + 2 = 9 rules!
NOTE: ACL with action of Rate Limit can be applied only on one port at a time.
This type of ACL is treated by the system as a unique ACL on each port it is bound to, so all the
rules on a port which has an ACL with Rate Limit action will be counted and consumed hardware
From this reason, ACLs with Rate Limit action should be used very carefully, since the system
maximum rule capacity can be reached if the user (for example) applies this rule on 240 ports.
(which is less then the capacity of a full 6 unit stack of 48 ports switches.)