Hub to Switch
A hub (10 or 100BASE-TX) can be connected to the Switch
via a two-pair Category 3, 4, or 5 UTP/STP straight cable.
For 100Mbps operation a Category 5 cable must be used.
The connection is accomplished from the hub uplink (MDI-II)
port to any of the Switch (MDI-X) ports.
A. 10BASE-T Hub
For a 10BASE-T hub, the Switch LED indicators should light
up as follows:
“Full-Duplex/Collision” indicator is OFF initially (it will blink as collisions
“100LINK/ACT, 10LINK/ACT LED” indicator is light amber.
B. 100BASE-TX Hub
For a 100BASE-TX hub, the Switch LED indicators should
light up as the following:
“Full-Duplex/Collision” LED indicator is OFF initially (it will blink as
collisions occur).
“100LINK/ACT, 10LINK/ACT” LED indicator is light green.
Hub without Uplink (MDI-II) port
If a hub is not equipped with an uplink (MDI-II) port,
connection can be made using either straight cable or
crossover cable.
A. Using straight cable
When using straight cable, the connection can be made from
the uplink (MDI-II) port of the Switch to any port of the Hub.