This chapter describes how to connect the DSS-5+ to your
Fast Ethernet network.
PC to Switch
A PC can be connected to the Switch via a two-pair Category
3,4, or5 UTP/STP straight-through cable. For 100Mbps
operation Category 5 must be used. The PC (equipped with
a RJ-45 10Mb Ethernet or 100Mb Fast Ethernet NIC) should
be connected to any of the 5 ports (1x - 5x) for the DSS-5+.
The LED indicators for PC connection are dependent on the
LAN card capabilities. If the LED indicators do not light
after making a proper connection, check the PC LAN card,
the cable, the Switch conditions and connections.
The following are possible DSS-5+ LED read outs for a PC to
Switch connection:
1. The “100LINK/ACT, 10LINK/ACT” LED indicator
lights green for a good link at 100Mbps or lights
amber for a good link at 10Mbps.
2. The “Full-Duplex/Collision” LED indicator shows
whether the NIC is connected at full-duplex or half-
duplex. Usually a NIC can be set to either duplex
mode under Properties in the Network Properties
Control Panel window.