
© 2003 directed electronics, inc.
Are the door inputs connected? Is the H1/6 blue wire connected
to the door trigger wire in the vehicle? Either the H1/5 green or
the H1/7 violet should be used instead. (See Primary Harness
Wire Connection Guide section of this guide.)
DDoooorr iinnppuutt ddooeess nnoott rreessppoonndd wwiitthh tthhee pprrooggrreessssiivvee ttrriiggggeerr,,
bbuutt wwiitthh iimmmmeeddiiaattee ffuullll aallaarrmm::
Does the Status LED indicate that the trigger was caused by the
shock sensor? (See Table of Zones section of this guide.) The
shock sensor, if set to extreme sensitivity, may be detecting the
door unlatching before the door switch sends its signal.
Reducing the sensitivity can solve this problem.
TThhee VVaalleett
//PPrrooggrraamm sswwiittcchh ddooeessnn''tt wwoorrkk..
Is it plugged into the correct socket? (See Plug-In LED and
/Program/Program Switch section of this guide.)
SSttaattuuss LLEEDD ddooeessnn''tt wwoorrkk..
Is the LED plugged into the correct socket? (See Plug-In LED
and Valet
/Program Switch section of this guide.)